Saturday, October 18, 2008


So some bummer news. We won't be looking into adoption anymore. I've been praying a lot and then Dad and I had a conversation and we agreed to stop looking into adoption for now. There are a few reasons which I'm not comfortable talking about on-line. It's not that we won't ever adopt, it's just that we won't be doing in the next 5 years... That is unless the Big Guy makes it very clear that he wants us to. Maybe we never will. But I am still hope full that if its God's will, it will happen, even if it's when we're 60 years old. If it's his will, He'll have his way.
And so, if there is ever a child #2, it looks like it will be a biological one (If God wills that!). But there is NO RUSH on that either.

I feel like Dad and I are learning so much about ourselves and our roles as parents. We both feel like there is still so much for us to learn.
And we are still soaking up every moment with this beautiful Boo.
Anyways, went out for Great Grandpa-in-law's 80Th Birthday. Here is Stinx dressed in his traditional Chinese outfit. His Great Grandma (Tai Poh) bought this when he was in the womb. Finally fits him. So glad we finally had an occasion to dress him in it for.

He's already turning into a bad ass Biker like Grandpa Gary!
Next thing you know he'll be smoking and swearing like a trucker! Haha. Just kidding!

Here is the picture of the delicious mint cake that I promised those of you who read this ridiculous blog. Looks good don't it!!

It was splendid. But I probably won't be buying another one anytime soon. I never actually buy cake. I just couldn't resist this one.


Anonymous said...

Cute pics! And I am also in love with mint chocolate stuff. Mmmmm...

Kelsey Fiona said...

I love stinx outfit

Unknown said...

I love the outfit. Now I want to bake something mint chocolate...