Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Bitta has refused to wear pants since October. She has become obsessed with several dresses. For the first few months it was the Ladybug dress. I found it at Good Will in new condition.
Then it was strictly the Cupcake dress. Just like this one.
It's a Carter's dress that we found new with tags at Good Will. She was a Cupcake for Halloween and this started the obsession. So she wore the cupcake dress every day for about a month. Then I decided to buy 2 more online since this phase didn't appear to be ending soon.
Then on another thrift shop hunt we found other acceptable dresses. So now she has about 6 dresses she is willing to wear. This morning when she woke up and requested the Cupcake dress I asked her, "Will you ever wear pants again?". Her answer, "Never. Ever." Oh boy... I mean, Oh Girl.

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