Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I'm Talented at Messy.

It's amazing how the quality of one's life goes down hill when one is pregnant. My poor family. The meals, oh they are sad, if they exist at all. The house is a disaster. It looks like a tornado has hit. Papers on the floor, dishes piled high, laudry waiting to be washed.

You know you are in a sad state when you truly feel you have accomplished something by a) doing half of the dishes and b) having a shower. Every day it seems I try to accomplish a few tasks. Sometimes it might be a load of laundry, other days it might be doing the groceries.

Things seem to be looking up though. The morning sickness seems to be fading. I have felt a little hungry lately which brings me great hope. I often wake up from the afternoon nap craving something to eat, or I wake up dreaming about food. My body is definitely telling me it is hungry. In the past 10 weeks I lost the weight I didn't want to lose. Seems with both pregnancies my body wants to lose weight in the first trimester. Well I am challenging that with Blizzards from dairy queen, Rice Pudding, and chocolate chip cookies.

As I start to feel better I hope to blog a bit more.


1 comment:

Kelly said...

"You know you are in a sad state when you truly feel you have accomplished something by a) doing half of the dishes and b) having a shower." That totally made me laugh, I so know that feeling!!!

We should definitely have a DQ date soon! My mom went home yesterday, and we are down to only one activity a week instead of our usual every day... It feels so weird to not be busy. But it's nice too, we can just sit outside and enjoy the weather. We should have our Confederation Park date now that the weather is nice!