Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Bus Cake

Last year Stinx had a pretty plain 1st Birthday cake. He wasn't tolerating wheat at the time and I hadn't introduced dairy yet (in fear he might take after his father) so his cake was gluten & dairy free. It was a great cake, but a little on the boring side. This year, since Stinx is eating pretty much anything now, I wanted to get him a cake he'd love. I was a little late planning this out but Alisha recommended Simply Sweet Ltd and Krista was able to make the cake with only 3 days notice. It was awesome!!! Stinx loved it, though it didn't last long... well, the front of the bus is still around. Perhaps I'll let him play with it tomorrow :)


Kelly said...


half pint pixie said...

That's a fab cake! Happy birthday Stinx :)